Konami PES 2015, Xbox One video-game Xbox One - Xbox One game

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Algemene kenmerken

Xbox One
  • Opzwepende goals een nieuw schietsysteem maakt een verscheidenheid aan onbeperkte schietstijlen mogelijk
  • Eindpass pass opties beschikbaar voor spelers bij het leveren van een ei
  • 1 tegen 1 dribbelen en je tegenstander verslaan is nu enorm verbeterd
  • Ongelooflijke reactietijden Bliksemsnelle besturing voor instinctieve reacties als de bal in het spel is
  • Volledige veld AI en de zaak voor de verdediging voortdurend aangepast alles wat zich ontwikkelt op het veld en gebruikers hebben volledige controle over wanneer af te sluiten, te tackelen, of te houden het spel op verdediging





PEGI rating
E (iedereen)
Deprecated > Leeftijdscategorie
3 jaar en ouder
Multiplayer modus

Toelichting specificaties

The Pitch is Ours\n\nPES 2015 returns to its roots with unbeatable gameplay that never fails to satisfy. Every pass, shot and off-the-ball run is fine-tuned to deliver an unparalleled experience for true fans\n\n- Lightning fast controls allow instinctive reaction to every moment of play\n- Highly developed AI now constantly adjusts to action across the whole pitch. Teammates always offer options and support, making runs, finding space or marking opponents\n- Master a complete new range of dribbling skills and use your pace, jinking runs and responsive sprints to outmanoeuvre opponents\n- Choose exactly how and when to close down, tackle, or hold up play. Successful defending is in your hands\n\nTHE FOX ENGINE.\nTRULY STUNNING.\n\nThe power of next-gen harnesses the FOX Engine’s awesome potential to realise previously impossible levels of accuracy. Real-time lighting naturally brings players, crowds and stadia to vivid next-gen life.\n\n- PES 2015 boasts a vast number of unique animations and playing styles, meaning players not only look super realistic but play just like their real-life counterparts\n- Animations flow seamlessly from movement-to-movement, calculated in real-time in response to each unique in-match situation\n- Crowd animations have been hugely enhanced, delivering the ebb-and-flow of a match with convincing crowd effects and movements\n\nPES ID: GET CLOSER\n\nThe FOX Engine allows PES 2015 to faithfully recreate the unique styles and abilities of players and their teams. Experience the challenge of playing with and against the best sides in the world.\n\n- Teams are set up to play as they do in real-life and star players are instantly recognisable from their unique runs and playing styles\n- While the world’s greatest players are capable of moments of incredible skill, attacking success is based on their abilities as a team player\n- Whether counter-attacking, wing-based, or defensively minded, teams will automatically adopt the game plans of their real-life counterparts