KeyMaster Games Chicken - Dobbelspel

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Pop open the tube and start chucking dice with family and friends In Chicken, players will be rolling dice each turnpressing their luck to score more Chickens while avoiding those foxes. On a turn, a player must choose to roll all the dice passed to them or "Chicken Out" to roll fewer dice. Players will score points from the Chickens they roll, but they will bust (and score no points) if 3 or more foxes appear across their dice. For each Egg symbol rolled, a die is hatched from the Coop and then the active player will choose to reroll all of their blanks, eggs, and newly hatched dice, or they may score their points and pass the dice to the next player. If a player chooses to "Chicken Out" at the start of their turn, they lose a point for being a chicken, but they get to place all Yellow and Orange dice back into the Coop. The first player to reach 25 Points from their Chickens wins the game