Zibro Dehumidifier D 112

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Gemiddelde beoordeling

De gemiddelde beoordeling is gebaseerd op 4 goedgekeurde reviews die zijn achtergelaten voor de Zibro Dehumidifier D 112 op Kieskeurig.be. Deze beoordeling wordt berekend door de som van de reviewscores te delen door het aantal reviews.

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Introductie model
Op Kieskeurig sinds
October 2007
May 2009
Afmetingen (H x B x D)
56 x 34,5 x 24 cm
8713508725048, 8713508740690
Maximale ontvochtiging in kubieke meters
150 m³
Anti vorstbeveiliging
12 liter per 24 uur bij 32°C/ 80% R.V.
Aantal snelheden
Mogelijkheid tot luchtreiniging
40 dB
4 liter
250 watt
14 kg
Overige bijzonderheden
* vorstvrijstand

Toelichting specificaties

Do you have trouble with condensation, mould or musty smells in a particular room? Or can you feel in your body that there is too much moisture in the air? Then a Zibro dehumidifier is the perfect solution. All you need is a wall socket.

Immediate results
Every day, our dehumidifiers can remove litres of excess moisture from the air by condensing it inside the device. The water is caught in a large, removable reservoir, which is fitted with frost and overflow protection. A permanent water drainage hose is easy to assemble. Each type is fitted with a hygrostat and a ventilator to regulate the humidity.

Better for health and property
Bringing the humidity to a pleasant level creates a hygienic and healthy indoor climate. This provides relief for asthmatic or rheumatic ailments and for people who suffer from allergies. Dust mites, moulds and bacteria cause more problems in humid environments. A good humidity level is also better for your paint and plasterwork, wallpaper and valuable furniture and equipment.

Highly versatile
Zibro dehumidifiers are easy to operate, and the castors make them easy to move. They are frequently used in laundry rooms, sculleries, basements and other rooms that retain too much moisture and are difficult to ventilate. Along the coast, they are often used in kitchens and living rooms. The relative humidity is so high in that area in the spring and autumn that the indoor climate becomes clammy and unpleasant. Dryer air feels warmer and brings comfort into the home.