Ubiquiti PrismAP-5-45

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Toelichting specificaties

Interchangeable Isolation™ Antennas for PrismStation™\nWith a range of different beam widths, the isolation antennas are interchangeable and feature high-performance beam patterns ideal for a range of deployment needs. Used with the PrismStation 5AC and IsoStation radios, these antennas deliver superb co‐location performance without sacrificing gain.\n\nModular Design\nThe isolation antennas are interchangeable and feature high-performance beam patterns for a range of demanding deployment needs. Combined with the PrismStation 5AC or IsoStation radio, the system gets maximum gain out of the smallest footprint.\n\nSymmetrical horn antenna\n30° and 45° versions offer breakthrough scalability options for wireless systems. Unique beam performance and great co‐location characteristics allow for a higher density of sectors than traditional sector technology.